Book Review: Turn of the Cards: Tales From the Thirsty Meeple #3
Turn of the Cards by Sheryl Nantus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I settled in comfortably to read this third adventure about the interesting characters that frequent the Thirsty Meeple gamers pub for fun, games, and occasionally romance.
I remembered Karl from the previous Tales, where he’d gotten himself into BIG trouble thanks to his hot, uncontrollable temper. I had formed quite a harsh opinion of Karl by the end of that book.
I went into this installment feeling wary. I was pretty sure Karl would be finding romance this time around, and I’ll admit I had some very snarky thoughts about what sort of fool would find this beast tolerable, to say nothing of loveable.
But the author knew I’d be thinking that, oh yes she did, and you can’t tell me different. Slowly, through the eyes of a gamer girl named Jeni, everything I thought I knew about Karl was examined, tested, and often proven to be just the surface layer of a much more complex man. Well played, Author-Lady.
Once I realized Karl was an onion and we were peeling his layers, I couldn’t put the story down, and read it in one big bite.
Now, I know this is also Jeni’s story, and I love her strength, determination, and game-smarts too. I certainly don’t mean to take away her limelight!
But oh, that Karl.