Book Review: Triggernometry
Triggernometry by Stark Holborn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The clever title word caught my attention, and the teaser blurb had me lunging for the ‘buy’ button. But as a lifelong Mathophobe, I wondered if I’d be able to really get into the concept. One page in, I knew I had no reason to worry. I paused a moment to buy Advanced Triggernometry, then returned to reading this book.
I’m such a nut for a well-played absurd concept. For such a thing to work, the characters need to be fully invested in the legitimacy of the absurdity. The movies Airplane, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, and Top Secret took this route, and are all brilliant films (as far as I’m concerned, anyway). I’ve had less luck finding such conceptual quality in books, but Stark Holborn nails it. I finished Triggernometry in one gulp, decided to also order the Nunslinger omnibus, and will be reading Advanced Triggernometry this evening.