Book Review: The Professor Wore Prussian Blue
The Professor Wore Prussian Blue by Shelley Adina
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the end of this wild and twisty Victorianish-steampunky adventure, following along with Freddie and Daisy Linden and their friends as they searched for their missing father, Professor Linden.
And while everyone involved deserves a bit of ‘happily ever after’ rest and relaxation, first they’re going to need to deal with just one more hurdle; a ruthless, vile gang of air pirates. After all, this is the Mysterious Devices series—we’ve read five previous books filled with their adventures, and we know how author Shelley Adina loves to keep her characters on their toes.
The star of this installment, as far as I’m concerned, is little Davey. He’s put into a really terrible predicament, and after all is said and done, he comes through with flying colors (see what I did there, those who’ve read it) and gets exactly what he deserves. Prepare to be heart warmed. And for those of you wondering if there’s a chicken: don’t worry, Shelley would *never* let her flock down, now would she?
The story is set in the wild, beautiful country between Port Townsend, Washington State and Victoria, British Columbia. It made this Seattleite now turned Michigander quite homesick. All in all, I heartily recommend the Mysterious Devices series. If it’s new to you, be sure to start at the beginning, as each book builds on the previous.
I wonder what sort of adventures Shelley Adina will hatch next?