Book Review: The Keeper of Happy Endings
The Keeper of Happy Endings by Barbara Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’m very glad I read the promotional blurb for The Keeper of Happy Endings. It mentioned that this author had also written The Last of the Moon Girls, a novel I quite enjoyed last December. Based on that previous experience and a tantalizing teaser, I decided to give her new book a go. Where to even start writing this review??? Perhaps with my frustration that I can’t give the book ten stars!
I’m not going to describe what the story is about – the blurb does enough of that. And I don’t want to take away from the absolutely marvelous experience of discovering what happens as the story plays out. Surprises galore await you!
I *will* tell you that it didn’t take very long at all for me to become fully immersed in the tales of two women’s lives, each story placed in different settings and eras. To say that this story is well-crafted is an understatement akin to saying that Rembrandt knew how to grip a paintbrush. Although, a better comparison would be to a seamstress. The stories of Soline Roussel and Rory Grant are deftly sewn together into a finished piece that is both contemporary and classic, embellished with many delicate and elaborate twists! It’s a tale I hope will stay in style for many years to come. I hope you try it on and find it fits you well.
My thanks to author Barbara Davis, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a digital advance review copy of this book. This review is my honest and unbiased opinion.