Book Review: The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lisa Steele knows her eggs – enough to confidently run the extremely useful “Fresh Eggs Daily” website and blog. No matter what you need to know about eggs or the factories that make them (also known as ‘chickens’, ‘ducks’, and ‘geese’), I’m confident Lisa will have the answer. Browse her website and you’ll see what I mean.
And now she’s written “The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook”. I’d intended to give it a preliminary flip-through to get a feel for her recipes before giving it a more comprehensive look, but the introduction captured me right away. It’s like a little novel, filled with gorgeous wordsmithery and country inspiration. Charming. So, of course I had to slow down and savor that.
Then came a mini-biography about Lisa’s life, her husband, her lifestyle, her website, and of course, her chickens. Nope, I couldn’t hurry through that, either. Each beautiful picture needed a few moments of my attention, too.
Surely the recipes would start soon. Oh, wait. ‘Know Your Eggs’ is next. I chuckled, since I’ve been a from-scratch cook for decades now. It didn’t take long to wipe the smug smile off my face as I learned new tricks and debunked a few old wives’ tales.
Ah, here we go! ‘Cooking With Eggs’ is next! And… no, we aren’t being handed recipes just yet, we’re learning how to handle and work with eggs, and as a bonus, the ‘General Cooking Tips’ is jam-packed with advice I wish I’d been told about when I first moved out on my own.
Recipes now? Well, sort of. We’ve arrived at ‘Basic Cooking Techniques’, where every style of cooking an egg is described; fried, coddled, poached, baked and more. That’s followed by a section on preserving eggs, from freezing to pickling and a few more twists in between.
‘A Few Final Thoughts’ wraps it all up. By now, my *quick skim* of the cookbook has taken all afternoon, and I am starting to feel like a graduate of Egg University.
“Bring on the recipes!” I say. And she does! I’m so egg-cited. They’re broken (not literally) into sections – breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a few miscellaneous catch-alls, which include foamy-fun cocktails and what I personally consider to be the pinnacle of egg achievement, mayonnaise. The recipes range from healthy to decadent, and there are many, many of them.
Of course, Lisa isn’t quite done, so you’ll find ‘Additional Resources’ and TWO recipe indexes. One is simply a traditional recipe look-up listing, but the other is indexed by the number of eggs needed for each recipe. Brilliant, especially when you have three eggs on hand and company coming for dinner.
Buy this cookbook for every young person you know as they move into their first home on their own. Buy it for long-time cooks like me who could stand to learn a new trick or ten. Buy it for yourself because you deserve it.
My thanks to author Lisa Steele, Harper Horizon, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a digital advance review copy of this book. This review is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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