Social “Me”-dia
Social Media. Me.
Unlike peanut butter and chocolate, these are not easily blended. I use social media constantly, daily, but I’m always uneasy about it. I’m familiar with the mechanics of Facebook, Twitter, Plurk and Blogs, but at a loss to embrace them in the same way that most of the online world does. I am *appalled* on a daily basis by the level of misery and TMI that gushes forth on the internet, and equally enchanted by the beauty that’s shared. We’ve developed this amazing capacity for instant communication and are able to conquer distance between family and friends, but the actual *use* of the medium is quite interesting to watch, especially when you have a brain that works like mine does.
Imagine now that you are reading your friends list, but somehow, your brain was switched with mine. The CeejayBrain comes with these Bonus Features:
- A hyperfocus on the actual literal function of the words used, often to the point of absurdity. Typos or word misuse can send me reeling. “What have you got to loose?” can trigger a fantastical voyage inside my noggin, as all my worldly possessions suddenly take flight, bobbing in the air, trailing electrical cords, ropes, bookmarks, belts…. as I am left helpless, watching my television rise through the clouds, followed by a trail of sweaters, all holding cuffs. It can be quite amusing.
- Constant bafflement in the face of textspeak. I must remind myself, often, that not everyone is using a conventional keyboard when they post their messages. It’s VERY difficult for me to take a message seriously when it’s shortcutted to hell and back after squirming it’s way into the world through a phone. I try. I may be getting more tolerant but it’s a slow road.
- I have a mild form of Synesthesia. A good explanation comes from the Odd Facts blog (sadly, now taken offline): “Synesthesia comes from the Greek words syn and aesthesis, literally meaning together-perception. As commonly defined, people with synesthesia have mixed senses where one sense unconsciously triggers another. Some people can taste colors and feel words. However, the most important thing to remember is that everyone with synesthesia experiences it differently. No two people with synesthesia experience the same thing, even if they have the same form of synesthesia.” How does this affect me? A few examples: “Pregnant” is a squeaky word. The number 7 moves at 100 mph, “Cat” is indeed a feline, but it’s also bulging, like an overly filled balloon about to burst. Yes, really. What you are saying to me may carry more weight than you realize!