Social Distancing 101: Enjoying The Arts
If you’re able to pull up the internet on your smart TV or a good-sized monitor, you can continue to enjoy cultural experiences from home. Yesterday, CNN published a good resource article: All the virtual concerts, plays, museums and other culture you can enjoy from home
Artnet News offers more choices in this informative article, Travel Plans on Hold? You Can Visit 500 International Museums From the Comfort of Your Own Home Thanks to Google
My friend Bookworm also mentioned her own local art museum.
Minneapolis Institute of Art
I like CNN’s advice to ‘class it up’. Make these tours special and memorable by blocking out any interruptions, and settling in with snack trays and festive beverages. And why not pull out the good china and glassware for your globe-hopping adventures?
My personal recommendation is Jeff Wayne’s 2006 War of the Worlds musical. The entire live performance is available on YouTube.
If you know of a good arts and culture virtual experience that isn’t mentioned in that CNN article, I’d love it if you’d post a link to it in the comments here.