Book Review: Playing for Keeps: Tales from the Thirsty Meeple #4

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This extremely satisfying story was the perfect ender for the Tales of the Thirsty Meeple series (although the author does mention, at the back of the book, to expect more soon!)
While it stays true to the cozy romance novel genre, don’t write this one off as a simple ‘pining for and ultimately getting’ tale. There’s multiple layers of sophisticated plot that are compelling, with realistic challenges and consequences. Ultimately, the tying up of the various situations makes for an immensely satisfying conclusion.
I’d recommend “Playing for Keeps” to gamers, foodies, employers, employees, friends, lovers, writers, freelancers, hobbyists, workaholics… hmm, it would be more concise to just recommend it to everyone. 🙂
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