Second Life

Inky’s Nightclub and Game Room

The Inkwell Book Shop’s adjacent nightclub, Inky’s, now features three interactive MadPea games and a punching bag arcade game.

Inky’s Nightclub and Game Room

Grab a friend or three and come play! here’s what’s laid out on the game table:


Gather your friends for a game to the death! Or at least a game about some pretty crazy deaths….Dubious Demises! Dubious Demises is a Fact or Fiction trivia-style game about interesting ways people may or may not have died. To play, click the game board. This activates the game, and lets everyone know in local chat that they have 30 seconds to join the game. Players can join the game by clicking the board, including the person who initiated the game. The game will reset if no one has joined within those 30 seconds.

Once the game starts, Scoring Skulls will be rezzed over each player and the round of questions will begin. Questions will be asked in local and players must answer Fact or Fiction. The first person to answer correctly will be given a point, and the next question will then be asked. There are 10 total questions asked in a game and the winner is whomever scores the highest at the end of those 10 rounds. After a winner is declared, the Scoring Skulls are derezzed and a poof of skulls will rise from the game. YAY!


This fun chat game supplies the questions and makes sure the conversation flows all night long. There is no right or wrong answer, just great conversation and lots of laughs. With over 150 questions in each pack, this game can be played again and again without fear of repetition. – Are you ready for the hungry hordes craving the taste of your flesh? Have you prepared for the Zombie Outbreak? Wondering if your friends and family have? Find out now with this series of fun, and sometimes playful, questions. Who knew Zombies could be fun at parties? Take it in turns to click for a random question. Before you know it you will be deep in conversation and learning more about each other with every turn.


Do you think you can spot who’s lying and who’s really telling the truth? Then you will love our Spill the Tea Game! This social game requires at least two players, but of course, the more playing the more fun you can have! Touch the tea set to join in! A game consists of 10 rounds and each round the players are asked a single question. One random player will be picked to be the ‘tea spiller’ for each round. Any player can lie to answer the question, but the ‘tea spiller’ must tell the truth. At the end of each round, all players vote for who they think ‘spilled the tea’ to earn points. The player with the most points after 10 rounds wins!

Spill the Tea Menu Options:
Join: Get a titler to play. You MUST accept attach permissions to play!
Help: Give how to play and menu options notecard.
Start: Starts the game for all players and asks the first question.
Question: Use to get the next question, when everyone is ready.
Quit: If you want to drop out of the current game. You can’t rejoin until there is a new one.
Reset (Owner Only!): Reset the game entirely. This will cancel the current game.


If your game goes badly and you need to vent your frustrations, try the nearby Mad Jab. This fully functional arcade game gives the player a chance to punch the bag and gain the highest average score they can over 5 total punches.

To play, players will ‘sit’ on the machine and be animated to prepare to throw their first punch. A game HUD will attach to the player with a moving power bar to choose how much ‘weight’ gets thrown behind each punch. Clicking on the HUD will stop the power bar and the player will throw their punch. After 5 total punches, an average will be gathered and a final score given.

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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