Cala Mondrago. SL’s Steampunk Desert Oasis. Warm sands, incredible buildings, bellydancers at the Laughing Djinn… Shops and carts and camels and pajama parties in the Palace, and strolls along the city wall’s ramparts at sunset…
Do I have your interest yet?
Now you can call this bit of paradise your home. Habibi Hostel is now open for rent! 50 prims, 250L per week. There are two stories in each room. Just pay a box, and head on in! The door will be set to your name so you get to lock and unlock it. Pass the word along!
Learn more about Cala Mondrago:
PJ Trenton’s Cala Mondrago Photography.
Beyond Victoriana: Cala Mondrago, the Steampunk Oasis–Guest Blog by Akidami Swift with Bianca Namori.
Cala Mondrago Nominated as a favorite Steamy Romance destination.
Shiny New Forum!