Good News for Second Life Readers, Writers, and RPG Fans

I’ve received a press release that has me really excited. As an author who’s also a long-time resident of Second Life, I’m always interested in the various ways literature is enjoyed in-world. A few years back, my good friend, a clockwork doll named Nika Thought-Werk, taught my avatar, Ceejay Writer, how to convert stories to virtual books that can be read by other avatars, very much like a normal book would be read.
Nika’s Werk-Book system is also designed to respect the authors work, as it’s nigh impossible to pirate copies of these books. Once purchased, a Werk-Book is a beautifully crafted object that looks quite nice displayed on a coffee table or perched on a shelf – but while anyone can admire it, the book can only be opened and read by its owner. The books can be read where ever the owner places them, or attached to a HUD (Heads Up Display) to read them in a much larger, screen-filling size.
The full press release is just a little ways further down in this post. In it, you’ll find a link to Nika’s YouTube video, where she describes and demonstrates the system. Be sure to give her a like, and subscribe to her channel. If you have any questions about the system, you can leave comments for Nika right there at the video.

For Immediate Release:
December 5, 2021
Want to publish books (and even interactive fiction) cheaply and easily in Second Life? So do we! If you are a book or role-playing game author who shares a passion for Second Life, look no further than the Werk-Books version 2.0 Commercial Version, RPG Edition!
This free kit allows users to publish copy-protected virtual books that can be read in the Second Life virtual environment and behave like normal books. The script kit needed for the books is free, and the kit can publish books up to 400 pages. The cost to publish a typical book ranges from $10 – $14, and once a book has been published, authors can sell their works directly to Second Life residents on the Second Life Marketplace – with no need to pay additional publishing costs for additional sales.
Even better than writing simple books, the page-jump and integrated dice feature of Werk-Books Script Kit 2.0 make it ideal for writing interactive role-playing games and playing those games in Second Life using Second Life’s built-in voice chat functionality!
To see an example of the book, please visit the Werks From The Iron Road web channel:
To pick up a copy of the script kit – or read the user documentation – please visit here:
Werk-Books – the only limit is your imagination.
Lori Alden Holuta
Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.