Fantasy Faire 2019 – Builders of Hope
Last year I was delighted to be invited to Fantasy Faire as a Literary Festival featured author, and I want to pay it back. This year, in honor of my dad, lost to lung cancer this past Autumn, I’m participating behind-the-scenes at the Faire, tending to some of the necessary proofreading, editing, and webmistressing. The Faire takes place in Second Life, as part of the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life events.
If you think that virtual worlds only exist to shoot zombies or run raids, think again. Second Life is a world – not a game. It’s completely created by its residents, and a lot goes on in here. This year our Literary Festival will welcome author Elizabeth Bear as our special guest, and we will pay tribute to Ursula K. Le Guin.
Fantasy Faire in Second Life has emerged anew from the mists of the virtual world to create a new and immersive fantasy-inspired experience each year for the past eleven years. Since the 2015 Faire, writers have gathered to pen new stories and poems inspired by the Fairelands as part of the annual LitFest. And though the Fairelands disappear back into the mists every year, the stories remain to inspire and transport.
Please click the poster to be taken to our press release – you’ll be taken to the Fantasy Faire website, so have a look around while you’re there. I’m especially invested in the Literary Festival, which you can find under the “Events” menu tab at the top of any page. We are still adding content as opening day approaches, but you won’t mind our dust, as it’s sparkly magical fairy dust!