Extra! Extra! Saffia Widdershins Turns Three! Film At Eleven!

There once was an Intrepid Editrix
Who knew how to readers transfix
Giving writers a voice
(like they had a choice)
She built empires of prims, not of bricks
A Happiest of rezzdays to Saffia Widdershins, from your loyal and loony staff at Prim Perfect, The Primgraph, Quest for the Golden Prim, and Designing Worlds!
Please join us in celebration of Saffia’s third rezzday today at 4pm slt in the Ballroom at Edison Hypatia.
Gabrielle Riel of Radio Riel will provide the music! Don’t miss your chance to wish Saffia all the best for the year ahead, and be sure to ask her that all-important question: “Do you have a quote for our readers at the Primgraph?”
Sharing passion for worlds virtually
With a team on the grids
We do as she bids
To bring stories to you and to me.
(Limericks by Ceejay Writer and PJ Trenton. Blame no one else.)