Book Review: Clarity
Clarity by J. Scott Coatsworth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How much story can possibly be told in only 300 words? Quite a lot, actually. It’s no small feat to take a story concept and distill it down to its essence. There’s no room for filler words, grand exposition, backstory, scenery-chewing descriptions… there’s just that tasty bit of nutmeat hiding inside the thick shell. Crack that shell and inside it there’s Clarity.
The anthology contains 312 stories, each one a well-tuned nibble that even the busiest person can find time to read. I kept the book out where it could be easily grabbed whenever I had a few moments between activities or just needed to take a break. After reading a story, I’d return to the task at hand with a fresh concept for my mind to mull over. It’s a good way to keep your mind sharp!
Full Disclosure Time: I have a story in Clarity – and I am proud and honored to be amongst such amazing company. I will be searching out many of these writers other works.