My 300 word flash fiction, “Magic Mirror” will soon be published along with 314 other flash fictions in a collection based around the theme of “Clarity”. Queer Sci Fi is the driving force behind this annual anthology project. My wee effort made it into the Honorable Mention group, which are the highest scoring stories that did not make one of the top three spots.
And now my story has also been chosen for a Judge’s Pick award. Each judge singled out one story as their favorite for special recognition. All this and we still have the fun of the book release ahead of us! I’m hopeful that readers will appreciate my story too. This has been such a fun and extremely validating experience.
Clarity should publish on October 5, 2022.
Learn more about how Queer Sci Fi’s annual flash contest works
List of Clarity Honorable Mention stories
List of Clarity Judge’s Pick and Director’s Pick stories