Recipe Box
All my recipes, gathered together under one main category.
Low-So Dilly Spears
If you're new to the low sodium lifestyle, you'll need to be a bit patient with yourself while your taste buds 'gear down'.
Raspberry Honey Mustard Dressing
If you have a raspberry patch, you need this recipe! Fresh dressing on a green salad in the middle of Summer... bliss.
City and Country Croutons
When I was a kid, my gramma would always tell me to "eat the crusts, they'll make your hair curly". She might as well have told me to "eat the crusts, they'll make…
Cinnabliss Granola Bars
These soft, chewy granola bars can be added to a lunchbox, or crumbled over ice cream for a quick dessert.
Two Day Refried Beans
Homemade refried beans require little effort, but do need a nice long simmer on the back of the stove.
Potato Salad My Way
This is my favorite way to make potato salad. I know I break the rules by dicing the potatoes before cooking them, but really, why should I mangle a soft, warm, potato when…
Caribou Country Chamomile Wine
For the brave and foolish fun lovers out there, here's my favorite wine recipe.
Misrembered Quasi Italian Peruvian Salsa
A million years ago, I enjoyed a 'Peruvian Salsa' as made by an Italian. Long story. I loved the stuff! I've held it in my memory for many years, and never wrote it…
Sweet and Spicy Pickled Beets
This recipe brings beets to a stage of singing and dancing Rockette-style across your kitchen counter, so brace for a dose of vegetable attitude.
Celery Bean Salad (Which Needs A Better Name)
There's a million recipes for celery salad on the internet and I don't like the looks of any of them! As often happens, I had a bunch of celery languishing in the fridge.
Juneberry Jelly Recipe
Most of you are saying "What's a Juneberry?" Good question.