Whether the focus is on emotional well-being, finances, or spirituality, self-help books center on encouraging personal improvement and confidence in a variety of facets of your life.
Book Review: Enchilada Entrepreneur
As a lifelong fan of Mexican restaurants, I couldn't resist picking up this book, based on the title.
Book Review(s): Three Painting Books from Leaping Hare Press
My thanks to Leaping Hare Press for their over-the-top generosity. When I won a Goodreads Giveaway copy of Painting Cats, I didn't expect to receive a total of three painting books (Painting Cats,…
Book Review: Little House Life Hacks
A few months back, I started noticing the hashtag #tradwife in various social medias. I became curious about what others considered to be a "traditional" wife and where this rediscovered ideal might intersect…
Book Review: The Swedish Art of Aging Well: Life Advice from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You
The synopsis calls this book 'Wise, funny, and practical'. After reading it, I would call it 'One woman's memoirs and ponderings on aging'.
Book Review: Eat & Flourish: How Food Supports Emotional Well-Being
If you're looking for a light and fluffy 'fix yourself with food' book, this isn't it. If you're looking for a traditional cookbook, this isn't that, either.
Book Review: A Cry For Mercy
Peter Okonkwo is a self-defined fatalist poet with a gift for cutting directly to the chase. His poems are unflinchingly angry, his scenarios heartbreakingly dismal.
Book Review: Dessert Can Save the World
Dessert Can Save the World: Lessons, Secrets, and Recipes for a Stubbornly Joyful Existence by Christina TosiMy rating: 3 of 5 stars If you’re expecting a cookbook, you’re in for a surprise. Sure,…
Book Review: Enough Already
This book is a biography, a self-help guide, a cookbook, and yes, if you were enthralled with Edward Van Halen too, it’s their never-ending love story, too.
Book Review: Whose Fault, Kismet or Impediment?
Whose Fault, Kismet or Impediment? carries the subtitle, "Difficult queries about the realness of the human fate amidst obstacles", which is an accurate summing-up of the poetry you will be reading.
Book Review: Fate, in the Dungeon of Doom
“An intuitional interpretation of what a man's fate exhibits amidst impediments, endurance, abnegation, innocence, and most importantly, doom. It is a fatalistic poetry collection.”
What I’m Reading For Book Lovers Day 2019
I’ll be finishing “Absinthe, Alewives & Alchemy” by Kate Henriott and Ted Jauw today. I met the authors at a Michigan Steam Expo earlier this year, and found them both to be delightful…