Science Fiction
Sci-fi novels are speculative stories with imagined elements that don’t exist in the real world. Some are inspired by “hard” natural sciences like physics, chemistry, and astronomy; others are inspired by “soft” social sciences like psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Common elements of sci-fi novels include time travel, space exploration, and futuristic societies.
Book Review: Girl Gone Viral
Girl Gone Viral by Arvin Ahmadi My rating: 3 of 5 stars Well, let’s get the comparison out of the way first – I’m calling this one a mashup of Ready, Player One…
Book Review: Empty Cradle: Shiloh in the Circle
Empty Cradle: Shiloh in the Circle by Emmy Jackson My rating: 5 of 5 stars Most of the books I’ve read that deal with shapeshifters present their shifters as uniformly confident, enigmatic, powerful,…
Book Review: Old Man’s War
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi My rating: 5 of 5 stars I used to read a lot more science fiction than I do these days. I keep nudging book recommendations aside, telling…
Book Review: On Safari in R’lyeh and Carcosa with Gun and Camera
On Safari in R’lyeh and Carcosa with Gun and Camera: A Original by Elizabeth Bear My rating: 5 of 5 stars Clever, unexpected story. I thought I knew were it was going……
Book Review: Come Take Me
Come Take Me: A Celestial Satire by E. M. Skyler My rating: 4 of 5 stars Marshall M. Shmishkiss isn’t enjoying his life, but he’s taking steps to change it. He’s eating healthier,…
Book Review: Afro Puffs are the Antennae of the Universe
Desiree Quicho just needs a little downtime from work. She wants to go home, relax, hang out with her friends, make some progress on the house she's building... you know, normal stuff...
Book Review: Updraft
It didn't take long for me to be swept up above the clouds into the world of Updraft. Young Kirit gives us our point of view, as she struggles to learn not only…