Magical Realm
Magical realism novels depict the world truthfully, plus add magical elements. The fantastical elements aren’t viewed as odd or unique; they’re considered normal in the world in which the story takes place. The genre was born out of the realist art movement and is closely associated with Latin American authors.
- Anthology, Book Reviews, Fantasy, Horror, LGBTQ+, Magical Realm, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction
Book Review: Clarity
Clarity by J. Scott Coatsworth My rating: 5 of 5 stars How much story can possibly be told in only 300 words? Quite a lot, actually. It’s no small feat to take a…
Book Review: The Lights of Prague
This book turned out to be a tug-of-war for my attention span. From the start, I was entranced by the setting of Prague at night. I loved the details, the exquisite worldbuilding, and…
Book Review: Thistlefoot
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott My rating: 5 of 5 stars A retelling of the old Russian/Ukraine/Belarus stories about Baba Yaga and her chicken-footed house. This time around though, she’s not just a creepy,…
Book Review: A Born Angel
A Born Angel by Jenn A. Morales My rating: 4 of 5 stars It’s clear the author put a lot of thought into worldbuilding and character development. From the first pages of the…
Book Review: The Lighthouse Witches
If you are looking for a spooky, atmospheric Halloween-season read, you are in luck.
Book Review: Spellbreaker
Elsie Camden's world is a place where magic is real, and it is a commodity. If you're born a wizard, you're in the market for good quality spells of all sorts.
Book Review: Johannes Cabal the Necromancer
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard My rating: 5 of 5 stars I suspect that author Jonathan L. Howard has never painted himself into a corner. Or if he has, he…
Book Review: The Last of the Moon Girls
The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis My rating: 4 of 5 stars Nine generations of Moon women have lived and worked on Moon Girl Farm in the small town of…
Book Review: Summer Knight (The Dresden Files)
Summer Knight by Jim Butcher My rating: 2 of 5 stars While not terrible, this wasn't my favorite book so far in the series. I found the constant slogging through the political posturing…
Book Review: The Triads of Ireland
The Triads of Ireland – An Illustrated Collection Written and Illustrated by Olivia Wylie Triads are an ancient Irish form of verse, vaguely similar to Japanese Haiku poetry. Even though these triads were…