A category to pair with others, such as fantasy, science fiction, mystery... you might even find a biography or other real-world adventure lurking in here, if appropriate.
Book Review: Trial of a Dragon
How will they convince anyone that a hellfire-breathing red dragon is innocent?
Book Review: Death and the Dragon
This eagerly-awaited sequel to author David Hankin's Death and the Taxman picks up the pace as we continue the absurd but believable adventures of the Grim Reaper himself.
Book Review: Twits Hit the Target
I was pleased to see a new addition to the Twits Chronicles, just before Christmas. So of course I bought myself a present!
Book Review: Half-Off Ragnarok (InCryptid #3)
It was brave of the author to change protagonists just three books into a series, but as it turns out, it was a fine choice.
Book Review: Twits on the Stump: A Steampunk Distraction
Reading the latest installment of the "Twits Chronicles" during an election year was a surreal experience. The antics of my favorite fictional friends got me thinking about what's probably going on behind the…
Book Review: Twits to the Test: A Steampunk Distraction
Tom Alan Robbins writing skills are at peak performance as he pokes fun at so many aspects of life.
Book Review: Twits on the Hunt: A Steampunk Distraction
Cyril and Binky are on the run!
Book Review: Twits on the Loose: A Steampunk Distraction
The 4th outing (5th if you count the short story that started it all) has our protagonist, Cyril Chippington-Smythe, trying to help out his cousin Binky, who's fallen madly in love (yet again),…
Book Review: Twits Abroad: A Steampunk Distraction
Twits Abroad: A Steampunk Distraction by Tom Alan Robbins My rating: 4 of 5 stars While book 2 of The Twits Chronicles still remains my favorite of the series (and probably will always…
Book Review: Twits in Love: A Steampunk Distraction
Love at first distraction! This is great stuff, in a bite-sized story.
Book Review: Twits in Peril: A Steampunk Distraction
Awesome second story in what's quickly proving to be a reliably hilarious series.
Book Review: Bad Boy Wizard #1: The Astral Gatecrashers
Charlie's just your average kid living in a boring village (there's no way a village called Upper Bottom could be exciting), struggling with school and putting up with the most insufferable mom on…
Book Review: Midnight Blue-Light Special
What a ride! (Or should I say, what a run across the rooftops?) I loved InCryptid #1, Discount Armageddon, so I cracked into Midnight Blue-Light Special with high hopes.
Book Review: Designer Dirty Laundry
I needed a change from heavier fantasy and sci-fi novels, and Designer Dirty Laundry by Diane Vallere (aka DiVa) was just the thing. The story is sassy, breezy, a little silly, but with…
Book Review: Uncle Hugo’s Crisis: A Twits Short Story
I loved this short story. It appealed to my sense of humor and love of wordplay.
Book Review: Death and the Taxman
As a fan of Terry Pratchett's version of Death, I was easily pulled into this story by the blurb's promise of death cheating hijinks and hilarity. And as a former cubicle dweller and…
Book Review: The Husbands
I'm a sucker for a good book blurb. I know how hard it can be to write one that's short while also compelling. "Do you take this man? No? What about this one?"…
Book Review: Starter Villain
I dove straight into Starter Villain just after closing the third book in John Scalzi's "The Dispatcher" series. It wasn't too much of a jolt, as the author's voice is so strong in…
Book Review: Travel by Bullet (The Dispatcher #3)
While Scalzi always does a great job of coming up with something really unusual for his characters to grapple with, he really outdid himself this time.
Book Review: Love, Factually
Did I expect the author of The Brothers Jetstream and Afro Puffs Are the Antennae of the Universe to take on the Hallmark Romcom Movie genre this holiday season? No, I did not.…
Book Review: Riddles and Riches
This is book two in the Vegas Chantly Mystery series. I didn't deliberately skip the first book, but my love of puzzle solving pulled me directly into this one first. The blurb tempted…
Book Review: How to Train Your Human
How to Train Your Human: A Cat’s Guide by Babas My rating: 4 of 5 stars I’ve been owned by a formidable Russian Blue for a dozen years now, so you can imagine…
Book Review: Surely You Can’t Be Serious
Surely You Can’t Be Serious: The True Story of Airplane! by David Zucker My rating: 5 of 5 stars A book about Airplane!? What is it? It’s pieces of paper with pictures and…
Book Review: The Last Dragonslayer
My book club chose this as our June read, and wow, am I glad we did. Our discussion was very lively, as all of us agreed that Jasper Fforde has created a fantastic…
Book Review: The Workshop: Week Two
The Workshop: Week Two by Matt Mills My rating: 4 of 5 stars If you haven’t read The Workshop: Week One, this review won’t make much sense. Why don’t you go read that,…
Book Review: The Workshop: Week One
It's clear that Matt Mills is a writer (yes I know, duh, he wrote this book). But he's a writer that's fought in the trenches and, so far, has lived to tell the…
Book Review: On Earth as It Is on Television
If you set up two television screens side-by-side, then simultaneously watch National Lampoon's Vacation on one and Close Encounters of the Third Kind on the other, while snacking on a pound of crispy…
Book Review: Tempus Fugit – The Engagement Ring
Bravely written in second person, past tense, Jules Pelarski’s The Engagement Ring addresses you, the reader, as the protagonist. You’ll be told what’s happening to you and what’s going on all around you…
Book Review: Dear Lord Akeldama & Parasolverse Ephemera
Lord Akeldama takes center stage (because of course he does), answering questions posed by real readers of the books set in Gail Carriger's Parasolverse.
Book Review: A Most Agreeable Murder
A Most Agreeable Murder by Julia Seales My rating: 5 of 5 stars A wickedly witty sendup of Regency and Victorian era novels, with a splash of Clue (the movie) thrown in for…