Coming of Age
Refers to the process of growing up or entering into adulthood. An example of coming of age is a novel about a young girl's adventures impacting her strongly enough to help move her from childhood to adulthood.
Book Review: Tia Lugo Speaks No Evil
Tia Lugo Speaks No Evil by Danette Vigilante My rating: 4 of 5 stars Tia is a thirteen-year-old Latino girl growing up in a close-knit family in Brooklyn. Her best friend lives close…
Book Review: The Places We Sleep
Imagine being twelve years old, a battle-weary Army brat trying to adjust to yet another new school in Tennessee, just about to get your first period... and it's September 11, 2001.
- Black Authors, Book Reviews, Coming of Age, Realist Fiction, Romance, Suspense and Thriller, Womens Literature, Young Adult
Book Review: Hurricane Summer
Hurricane Summer by Asha Bromfield My rating: 3 of 5 stars As if coming of age isn’t already one of the toughest transitions a girl has to make, Tilla’s experiencing it in a…
Book Review: Riverland
Riverland by Fran Wilde My rating: 5 of 5 stars I went into the story knowing in advance that aspects of our protagonist’s home life might be difficult to read. Fran Wilde has…
Book Review: So I’m A Vampire’s Familiar
So I’m A Vampire’s Familiar by Shayna Grissom My rating: 3 of 5 stars So, it seems vampires are real, after all. But, expectations and reality aren’t seeing eye to eye for our…
Book Review: The Ocean at the End of the Lane
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman My rating: 2 of 5 stars I’m of mixed feelings about this book, which is something I’ve never said about a Neil…
Book Review: Blood Calls
At first glance, you might think Blood Calls is a vampire novel, but you’d be wrong. At second glance, you might think it’s the story of a boy and his dragon, but you’d…
Book Review: Updraft
It didn't take long for me to be swept up above the clouds into the world of Updraft. Young Kirit gives us our point of view, as she struggles to learn not only…
Book Review: Ice Planet Goth
Ice Planet Goth (Originally Depth Charging Ice Planet Goth, which I must mention as I personally loved the original title) by Andrez Bergen is optimistically due for release early in 2014. The year…