Biographies and Autobiographies
An account of the details and events of a person's life, autobiographies are written by the subject themselves, while biographies are written by an author who is not the focus of the book.
Book Review: Enchilada Entrepreneur
As a lifelong fan of Mexican restaurants, I couldn't resist picking up this book, based on the title.
Book Review: Kiss the Sky
Considering that I call Seattle my hometown, it should come as no surprise that I couldn't resist a graphic novel featuring one of my city's most famous musicians. As I settled in and…
Book Review: The Real Bogie & Bacall
While I loved Lauren Bacall's 1978 autobiography, written from her own point of view, to my surprise I found this account of my favorite love story of all time to be much more…
Book Review: The Ins-N-Outs of In-N-Out Burger
If you like reading about the birth and growth of a successful business, author Lynsi Snyder, the current president of In-N-Out, shares her company's entire history - which is tightly bound with her…
Book Review: The Swedish Art of Aging Well: Life Advice from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You
The synopsis calls this book 'Wise, funny, and practical'. After reading it, I would call it 'One woman's memoirs and ponderings on aging'.
Book Review: Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain
Well, I'm certainly going to need a fluffy, hopeful story for a chaser to this, but I'm glad I read it.
Book Review: Betty White’s Pearls of Wisdom
We all have memories of good times with friends. And that's what Pearls of Wisdom is; Patty Sullivan's memories of her good friend Betty. She shares with us the at-home personal experiences -…
Book Review: Let’s Be Frank: A Daughter’s Tribute to Her Father, The Media Mogul You’ve Never Heard of
If you enjoy behind-the-scenes glimpses into what make all that magic show up on movie screens, televisions, and streaming technology, you'll find this book to be an eye-opener.
- Biographies and Autobiographies, Book Reviews, History, Middle Grade, Non-Fiction, Womens Literature, Young Adult
Book Review: The Rebel Girls Handbook
This colorful, engaging book provides an introduction to 300-plus notable women throughout history, along with a few facts about each of them and what they've accomplished.
- Biographies and Autobiographies, Book Reviews, History, Middle Grade, Non-Fiction, Womens Literature
Book Review: Rebel Girls Awesome Entrepreneurs
This well-titled book is indeed awesome! It's filled with mini-biographies of innovative women who started with a dream, and went on to created their own successful companies, or vastly improve companies they worked…
Book Review: The Founders’ Fortunes: How Money Shaped the Birth of America
This well-researched book is more than just a overview of the finances of America's founders. As we learn the details of how (and why) they made their fortunes, we also learn a lot…
Book Review: Gender Pioneers: A Celebration of Transgender, Non-Binary and Intersex Icons
I'm not sure I'd title this book a 'celebration'. To me it's more a 'recognition' of transgender, non-binary and intersex people that you may not have heard about before.
Book Review: Rebel Girls: Climate Warriors
Rebel Girls Climate Warriors: 25 Tales of Women Who Protect the Earth by Rebel Girls My rating: 5 of 5 stars I read Rebel Girls: Climate Warriors in one sitting. I kept telling…
Book Review: Dessert Can Save the World
Dessert Can Save the World: Lessons, Secrets, and Recipes for a Stubbornly Joyful Existence by Christina TosiMy rating: 3 of 5 stars If you’re expecting a cookbook, you’re in for a surprise. Sure,…
Book Review: Enough Already
This book is a biography, a self-help guide, a cookbook, and yes, if you were enthralled with Edward Van Halen too, it’s their never-ending love story, too.
Book Review: Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret by Helen Cathcart My rating: 5 of 5 stars Part of the six-book series, “The Royal House of Windsor”, Princess Margaret was penned in 1974 by the mysterious and reclusive Helen…
Book Review: Eruption: Conversations with Eddie Van Halen
Eruption: Conversations with Eddie Van Halen by Brad Tolinski My rating: 5 of 5 stars “Conversations” is no exaggeration. Most of this book is comprised of transcripts taken from over fifty hours of…
Book Review: Posts of a Mid-Century Kid
A charming ramble of childhood memories, interspersed with thoughts about present-day life.