Book Review: The Ocean at the End of the Lane
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I’m of mixed feelings about this book, which is something I’ve never said about a Neil Gaiman book before. As always, his wordsmithery is gorgeous, the mood-setting quickly draws a reader into his strange reality, and the characters are well-crafted and very interesting.
But, I didn’t enjoy the story. The plot is a strong one, but I couldn’t bring myself to engage with it. I bonded with the characters and setting, but could not emotionally connect with what was happening to them.
I’ve read other reviews just to see if I was the only one, and it looks like this is a book that most people either love or hate. I’m on the fence. I want to love it and I certainly don’t hate it, but I’m quite ready to move on to another book now.