Book Review: Midnight Blue-Light Special

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What a ride! (Or should I say, what a run across the rooftops?) I loved InCryptid #1, Discount Armageddon, so I cracked into Midnight Blue-Light Special with high hopes. I was not disappointed. Everything we learned in book #1 about this version of New York City and it’s inhabitants, human and otherwise, continues as we find out that The Covenant is coming to town… and it’s not for sightseeing. They mean business.
The stakes could not be higher. As Verity Price does her best to prepare the city, specifically the cryptids she’s taken under her wing and into her heart, we gain a deeper knowledge of the various cryptid species. I especially loved learning more about the Aeslin mice society and their hyper-religious nature. I do love those mice! And there’s plenty of Sarah the cuckoo, who always adds a surreal and unusual slant to life. A new favorite is the Wahila girl named Istas – the most unlikely candidate for gothic Lolita dress, but I’m not about to tell her that. She’d just as soon eat me as explain her fashion choices.
I’m not going to give away the plotline – anyone who knows me realizes I hate doing that with any book, because the pleasure is in the discovery – but I will say it’s epic, start to finish. There’s bouts of super-epicness that will leave you breathless and wondering how the heck the author is going to get herself out of the corner she’s painted herself into… let’s just say Seanan McGuire is adept at walking across wet paint and not leaving any footprints. Cryptic? Of course it is. Just get the book and start reading! Oh, if you haven’t read book #1 yet, do that first, absolutely.
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