Book Review: Jitterbug Perfume

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’ll admit right now that Jitterbug Perfume has been one of my favorite books for many decades. This was about my 5th read, and I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first read. If you’ve read the book, you’ll be amused to know that I once lived in a vintage apartment on Capitol Hill in Seattle, just like our genius waitress Priscilla. And it was in that apartment that I first read this book – and that immediate bond was made.
If you haven’t yet read the book – brace for fanciful wordplay, frank and honest writing about sex, religion, the human condition, what the human condition could be, perfume, beets, bees, and the perfect taco – and more. Drop any preconceived notions and come along for the historical education of your life. Trust me, you’ll have fun.
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