Book Review: Heir of Uncertain Magic
Heir of Uncertain Magic by Charlie N. Holmberg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The second book in the Whimbrel House series picks up where Keeper of Enchanted Rooms left off. Merritt and Hulda’s attraction to each other continues moving at a snail’s pace towards a full-blown romance, Owein absolutely steals the show as a dog learning his letters, and we spend far too much time away from the house that I fell in love with in book one.
If you love these characters, wish to know more about LIKER, love a good clever dog, and would enjoy getting off the island more often, you’ll enjoy the story.
While I did enjoy it myself, I found myself growing impatient at times. The pacing often slowed to a crawl, and I often wanted to reach into the pages and give our wannabe lovebirds a good shake. I feel invested in this series and just wanted the characters to continue to live up to standards, really.
Oh, and I have stumbled across the blurb for book 3, Boy of Chaotic Making and my excitement to continue the series will no doubt be rekindled by its release!