Book Review: Bad Hand (Aces High, Jokers Wild Book 3.5)
When fans of the “Aces High, Jokers Wild” series reach into O.E. Tearmann’s basket of treats this year, they’ll be dealt a “Bad Hand“ and they’ll be delighted with it.
This queer cyberpunk short for Halloween is a thank you from the author to readers who’ve bonded with the distinctive, relatable personalities who together are known as the Wildcards. Tweak gets to lead the shenanigans this time, (with a helping hand from Naomi) but it’s not all fun and games. Reluctant at first to participate in Day of the Dead remembrances and celebrations, Tweak eventually takes a brave step forward.
Make a mug of your favorite warming beverage, get cozy, and settle in for about a half hour of bonding time with the Wildcards. You’ll come away the better for it, and *that* is no joke.