Beyond Breedables – The New Needables!
We’ve all seen (or perhaps some of us own, though this writer will not confess one way or the other *cough*) those adorable, breedable pets. Cats, dogs, meeros, goodness knows what else. And they’re all so cute and cuddly when they are wee, but let’s fast-forward a few months. Now your itty bitty kitty is a big fat cat, glowering at you as she sits next to that food dish – it’s empty again! And she’s eating for two! Or is it six? And you swear you just got back from the food store yesterday… or did you? It’s all a blur! A big, fuzzy, snuggly, adorable blur!
But wait… there’s something new. They’re cute, they’ll make you smile, they’re animated and will definitely add personality to your home. Well, you might want to keep them in the yard, but you get the point.
First, let’s meet The Wandering Duck! I have one myself, and it’s wandering around inside Cafe Curiousity in New Toulouse. Being a Curious Goods and Oddities store, it somehow seems right to have a duck waddling about in the back of the shop. I love him. I think I will name him Chuck.
And if that isn’t enough cute for you…. ta-da, The Walking Chipmunk! I just met this industrious creature yesterday, and I have to say I was impressed. In fact I was bowled over. Literally. He’s a Chipmunk on a Mission, and you’d best get out of his way. (Caution: Chipmunks in the Viewer are larger than they appear.)
But really, posters just don’t do these critters justice. Bounce over to Gumi’s Flower Shop, and see their antics for yourself. That SLurl puts you right in the middle of the fun. Go on now, it’s time to meet the next generation of Second Life animals – You’ll want to be the first on your sim to show these critters off!