Fantasy Faire 2023: Building a World Without Cancer
A Benefit for the American Cancer Society
Many Realms – One Vision.
Fantasy Faire 2023: Building a World Without Cancer
Fantasy Faire 2023, April 20 – May 7: Celebrating its fifteenth year, Fantasy Faire 2023 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Thursday, April 20 to Sunday May 7, treat yourself to shopping, dance and theater performances, DJ parties, auctions, questing, our Literary Festival, fantasy art, events and roleplaying as thousands of Second Life residents and creators bring their own visions together to support the American Cancer Society’s vision of a world without cancer.
This year our enchanted goblet overfloweth with events and activities galore. We can no longer contain the Faire programming schedule to a mere ten days, so we announce, with much excitement, that formal programming will be extended for the entire run of the Faire! The magic of fifteen years and hundreds of thousands of Fairelanders have accumulated to bring us 18 full days, and nights, of fabulous Faire fun. Experience all the Fairelands have to offer over three glorious weeks!
As always, you’ll find fantasy avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets and exclusive items available from over 350 of Second Life’s top Fantasy Creators across 22 stunning regions designed by the visionary artists behind many of the most adored spots on the Second Life destination guide.
In addition to the sixteen shopping regions there will also be Faireland realms that take us beyond commerce and give us places to celebrate together as a community. Party with fairies, demons and tinies at the Fairechylde. Adventure with the Bard Queen as you complete the Fairelands Quest. Explore the Fairelands on the Litfest Tours. Immerse yourself in a world of stories with the Litfest, Roleplay and Performance events. Remember loved ones with the Memorial Garden and embrace new dreams with the Worldling Cradle.
Fantasy Faire 2023 will be open to the public April 20 – May 7. The SLurl to the event will be found on the website on our opening day. We welcome you to come and join the story.
Fantasy Faire 2023 is made possible by the generous support of our Region and Event Sponsors, all of whom you can learn more about on the Faire’s website. For more information please contact one of the Faire coordinators:
Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-227-2345.
RFL in SL:
American Cancer Society SLurl: