Book Reviews,  Fantasy,  Short Stories

Book Review: Unseelie Brothers, Ltd.

Unseelie Brothers, Ltd.Unseelie Brothers, Ltd. by Fran Wilde
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Last year I bookmarked Unseelie Brothers, Ltd. at Uncanny’s website, dropping the link into my browser’s ‘to read’ folder. Unfortunately, I had so many things saved to read that this story ended up near the bottom of the list. But a few weeks ago, I watched Mrs Harris Goes to Paris, and remembered that Fran Wilde had written a story about a magical dress shop. Still basking in the mood, I prowled my folder until I found it.

While Mrs Harris is nothing like Unseelie Brothers, I found that my enjoyment of the movie lent the perfect mood to my appreciation of Fran’s short story. I recommend trying this odd pairing!

Having read more than a few of Fran’s books, I’ve come to expect anything from her. This story is told in a delicate, almost fragile way, which harmonizes with the ethereal construction of the dresses created in her mysterious dress shop – or more precisely, this atelier. An atelier is a workshop where master craftspeople and apprentices create designs for their customers.

When Sera, a student studying fashion, discovers the shop, you might be tempted to assume where this story will go. But, resist that temptation. Just let it unfold. Read slowly, don’t hurry. Savor the situations various characters find themselves in. Wallow in mental imagery as beautiful gowns are described. Just let the story lead you by the hand to where it wants to take you.

If you have a comfy divan and a hot cup of tea, all the better. Enjoy.

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Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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