Meet Susan Allen

In 2019, Susan Allen walked into an art store to pick up some supplies. As she browsed the aisles, she happened to notice an end cap loaded with paints and supplies for an art form called ‘Pouring Paint’.

Sue didn’t know what that was, but she did know how to go to YouTube on her phone. And that’s just what she did, standing right there in the middle of the store. She watched a few how-to videos and thought, “I can do this!” She knew right away that this was something she wanted to try.

Susan Jo Allen
Susan Allen

“No brush needed, no talent needed.” She left the store loaded up with everything she would need to make her first paint pour art, and has been having fun ever since.

(Click any image to view the full-size version)

A Collision of Colors
A Collision of Colors

Sue has always loved art, and is especially fond of paintings done the traditional way – on canvas, with brushes. But she just couldn’t master brush-and-canvas painting, so resigned herself to being only an art admirer. But now that’s all changed.

Learning how to create beautiful art through pouring paint fulfilled her dream. She isn’t using that traditional brush, but she is working on canvas.

“I still watch the videos, I’m still learning. I watch them all day long,” she says. She loves to pour the paint and watch the colors mix and move on the canvas. “I’m addicted to it.”

This beautiful design isn’t an actual painting! “Sometimes the paints rolls off the canvas. Most times actually. I have wax paper down and the paints collect on that. So that’s what I have to throw out.. Or sometimes I roll a pre- primed plant pot in it. I hate waste.”
Painted Ceramic Tiles
Painted Ceramic Tiles

Sue is a self-taught artist who has been very busy keeping her art-hungry family supplied with plenty of wall decor.

For one such project, she took a step away from her usual canvas and turned her talents to a stack of 44 plain white ceramic tiles left behind by a builder. Those tiles prompted the question, “can I paint on those?” The answer was “yes!”

Her daughter Michelle will be installing the completed art tiles as one large display in her lakeside home.

Shapes, Textures, Colors
Shapes, Textures, Colors
What Do You See?
What Do You See?

Sue’s finally ready to share her passion beyond her family. If you’d like to see these mesmerizing paintings close up, and perhaps bring one home with you, visit her first-ever public display at Great Lakes Art and Gifts.

Freshly Painted
The Artist’s Worktable


See (and buy!) Susan Allen’s Artwork at:

Great Lakes Art and Gifts
306 E. Cesar Chavez Avenue
Lansing Michigan

A Bouquet of Paint
A Bouquet of Paint