Second Life

Farewell to a Favored Place

I saw the blue notes as the news crashed down on us… followed seconds later by the group-chatter. Ironic that Friday the 13th would be the day October Country died. I watched the group-chatter for a bit, morbidly fascinated in that way one is when watching a badly twisted train wreck. Eventually, as the anger grew and venom flew, I had to walk away. I closed the window knowing that Martin Wei was still in there, listening to everyone rage, and my heart ached for him.

October Country was a peaceful place, and the scene of many of my past happy memories. I attended a few parties there, and often spent quiet time alone at the campfire, listening to old radio broadcasts.

This past year, the sim seemed to always be on the brink of financial danger. There was only so much I could do, my pockets weren’t very deep. It saddens me that the place I would go to for some soothing relaxation became such a burden of stress and anger for those caretaking the island. Indeed, if it had become that, it is best to let it go, for their own wellbeing.

I shall miss it terribly though, and will hold my memories dear. Goodbye, October Country. I stopped in for one last visit, and found the cemetary, the buildings, everything gone. The sim gives this message now…

Landscaped Island For Sale! – $1200
Not just a plain-jane island… it has hills, streams, a pennisula, etc. Buy your island from me instead of Second Life, and it will have some personality right from the start! Questions? Email

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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