Second Life

Armada Sings a Siren Song, Calling You Home

Armada Breakaway
Photograph by Victor1st Mornington

Armada Breakaway is a floating steampunk pirate city in Second Life, scrapped together from the bones of old boats and swarming with brigands of all types and creeds.

Armada Breakaway is inspired by China Mieville novel, “The Scar.”  And you can become a part of our story.  If you thrive in bracing ocean air (or ocean water, if you happen to be a mer), why not consider joining this close-knit community?

There is no land whatsoever in Armada, which makes for some creative living quarters. Residents live on boats, or airships moored above, or diving bells below.  Exploring the city is a constant adventure, as there are no ‘roads’.  You’ll learn how to scramble about as you get your sea legs.

It’s not such a harsh life, though. We have a thriving nightlife, pirate antics, a surprising array of shops, a coffee house, fine dining and special events.  Armada is not far from New Babbage, and a sister city to Mondrago.

Come visit us.Wander about, explore, be surprised, say ‘Ahoy!’ to others you meet.  If you think you’d like to make your home in Armada Breakaway, drop by our Welcome Center for rental information, or contact Vernden Jervil, Commodore of Armada.

(Click photographs to view in full size glory)

Armada Breakaway

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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