99th Aether Salon Chat Transcript: Foraging! with Ceejay Writer
Pre-Salon Chatter
For those who enjoy the babble that tends to precede an event.
Ceejay Writer: Allo!
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There you are, excellent.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach bows
Philip Underwood: Hey there Ceejay. You may wait here in the sitting room or sit in the waiting room
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Fraulein Ceejay, would you like the lectern or the sofa?
Ceejay Writer: Thanks Philipo! And I’ll have an anchovy to go, hold the pizza.
Ceejay Writer: Sofa please?
Edda Underwood waves to Nika
Philip Underwood: we never go up in the hills
Ceejay Writer: I can always count on you for a Firesign fix. đ
Nika Thought-werk rubs her eyes and waves to Miss Edda.
Ceejay Writer: NIKA!!!! waves frantically at her friend
Edda Underwood: ((It’s a holiday, so we thought we’d have some fun))
Ceejay Writer: Hmm. Maybe the lectern after all. Forgot this skirt is flexy.
Nika Thought-werk scowls “You broke me you know, Miss Writer.”
Nika Thought-werk giggles and winks and finds a seat.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Was?!
Ceejay Writer: I’m soooory Nika! I only seem to have known half the incantation!
Nika Thought-werk blinks “Incan-lalalalalalalalalalalala?”
Ceejay Writer: Whew, thanks! I have very few skirts of the meshy-mesh variety.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We need to check the height, if you might ‘sit’ on the lectern, bitte.
Ceejay Writer whispers at Nika. “Spell”
Ceejay Writer: I feel so light!
Nika Thought-werk: Spell? Spell what?
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
Nika Thought-werk blinks.
Ceejay Writer: As in ‘cast a spell’
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: There.
Nika Thought-werk blinks and nods and looks at her hands.
Ceejay Writer: I feel like I should have a leek in my hand to be waving. It would suit the topic.
Nika Thought-werk closes her eyes “May Miss Ceejay’s talk be a hit with one and all” she says while waving her fingers and holding her hands out.
Ceejay Writer gets goosebumps
Nika Thought-werk opens her eyes again “I hope the spell works, Miss Writer. I did my best.”
Ceejay Writer: You’re a good friend.
Nika Thought-werk smiles happily.
Ceejay Writer: I’ll give you a special lesson in how to forage for clockwork food later.
Nika Thought-werk nods “Clockwork minds want to know.”
Ceejay Writer grins
Emerson Lighthouse: Hey Ceejay, I’ll try not to distract youâŠ
Emerson Lighthouse makes a face
Ceejay Writer: Could a staff member pull a paper bag over Emerson’s face please?
Nika Thought-werk waves to Mister Eldemar
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hello Miss Nika
Emerson Lighthouse: Hey Nika!
Liz Wilner: good afternoon everyone đ
Emerson Lighthouse waves
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hello Mr. Mornington
Nika Thought-werk turns and looks at Mister Lighthouse “Good sir, how are you?”
Vic Mornington: ellooooo
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hello Mr. Emerson
Ceejay Writer: Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiictor!
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hallo Herr Baron
Vic Mornington: Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejay!
Nika Thought-werk smiles and waves to Vic.
OldeSoul Eldemar: Lady CeeJay!! Cousin!!
Fauve Aeon: good day everyone
Vic Mornington: im just back from a St Pats day party, so⊠yeah⊠green suitâŠ
Edda Underwood waves her tiny paw, “Hello!”
Nika Thought-werk adds “Herr Baron, good day to you.”
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Good to see you all. Dauphine! What a pleasure.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Admiral, do come in.
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hello Your Grace Liz
Wildstar Beaumont: greetings everyone !
Liz Wilner: hello, Olde đ
Ceejay Writer waves at the incoming folk. “Hi!”
Nika Thought-werk waves at Mister Beaumont.
Wildstar Beaumont: and happy rezzday Ceejay ! đ
Ceejay Writer: Thanks Wildstar!
Fauve Aeon: hello Admiral
Fauve Aeon: nice to see you
Nika Thought-werk eeps “It’s your ⊠rezday????”
Ceejay Writer: It is! I’m a dozen now!
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
Edda Underwood applauds!
Liz Wilner: Happy Rez Day, Ceejay!
Ceejay Writer curtseys
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Hallo, Frau GrÀfin.
Ceejay Writer: Thanks Liz!
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen takes a seat and applauds
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen: Abend, Herr Baron
Nika Thought-werk rushes to market to buy a ham ⊠twelve is ham-versary, after all ⊠she thinks.
Ceejay Writer: Goodness! I’ll name him Clem.
Emerson Lighthouse: That’s a tween
Emerson Lighthouse nods
Ceejay Writer: Mmm. Ham.
Vic Mornington: o.O
Liz Wilner: brbâŠneed to relog
Philip Underwood: why have I been bagged?
Philip Underwood: am I being a bad boy?
Ceejay Writer: Are you ever not?
Vic Mornington: lol
Rowan Derryth: If I just sat on a stranger’s lap, I do apologise
Philip Underwood: you make a strong point Ceejay
Philip Underwood whispers to wife “DON’T SAY A WORD!”
Rowan Derryth: Happy Rezday Ceejay! đ
Edda Underwood squeaks
Ceejay Writer: Thanks Rowan! And thanks for coming today too!
Philip Underwood: Happy Rezzday!
Ceejay Writer: Thanky!
Wilhelm Steig: Thank you!
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Our Speaker asked that you be bagged, and therefore you are.
OldeSoul Eldemar: Helo Princess and Wilhelm
Ceejay Writer dissolves into gigglefits
Pre-Salon Announcements
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: We’re well past time to start, so let me make some quick and familiar announcements.
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen: Happy Resday đ
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 1) To ensure you can hear the speaker, stand or sit on the patterned carpet.
OldeSoul Eldemar: Hello everyone
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 2) Sit whereever you might like in the provided seating. If you would prefer a wearable chair, please contact me in IM.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 3) Please remove all lag-feeding thingamajigs you might be wearing.
Nika Thought-werk comes into the Salon carrying a small piglet and places it onto the stage before retaking her seat.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 4) A tip jar minion is out for our speaker. Do please show your appreciation!
Philip Underwood: is this a lag bag I am stuck in?
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 5) Any tips to help support the establishment will also be welcome – just click on one of the support signs or this handsome clank floating above us.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 6) If you are not a member of the AEther Salon group, there are signs that will let you join up. You’ll be most heartily welcome.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 7 ) Edited and unedited transcripts of these proceedings will be posted eventually at http://aethersalon.blogspot.com.
Nika Thought-werk smiles and shushes
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: The value of ‘eventually’ is yet to be determined.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: 8) Tea and treats are set out – help yourself! Beware of possible Hatchies guarding the sweet biscuits.
Ceejay Writer: I will also post it at ceejaywriter.com
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Bitte, welcome our rez-day Fraulein warmly, as she needs no other introduction.
Liz Wilner applauds
Ceejay Writer: Aww!
Fauve Aeon: APPLAUSE
Vic Mornington: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejay
Wilhelm Steig: Greetings, Fraulein Warmly!
ElaraGloriana: applause
Princess Selena claps
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen applauds
Nika Thought-werk claps happily.
Wildstar Beaumont applauds
Emerson Lighthouse applauds
Edda Underwood applauds
Rowan Derryth cheers quietly
Foraging! Salon Talk
Ceejay Writer: Hello and welcome! If you admire food, or have been known to occasionally eat food, or perhaps have even gone so far as to stir food in a pot, you may know that food can be pricey. Wouldnât some free food be nice? Hopefully by the end of our hour, youâll have a good idea where you might be able to find yourself some fresh, free, delicious, healthy food.
Fauve Aeon eyes the bunneh and wondersâŠ
Ceejay Writer: Do please feel free to ask questions or comment as we go, I’m not so very formal. If I don’t know an answer, I’ll be glad to research it and get back to you, too.
Cold Steel: ok why are we here?
Ceejay Writer: I am giving a talk on foraging for free food!
Wilhelm Steig: Free will and coding
Cold Steel: alright
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
Ceejay Writer: Keep in mind that my own experience comes from living in a rural county in Mid-Michigan. Clearly your mileage will vary depending on where you live, and that you may need to adjust my advice for your region, state or country.
Ceejay Writer gestures with a leek as she talks.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach grins
Ceejay Writer: Many books and websites exist to help you become a successful forager. Iâll mention various websites and a very cool app as I talk, If youâd like a resource notecard with details about each resource, just prod the purslane picture to my right.
Ceejay Writer: Regardless of where you live, youâll need to do some local research before you start romping about in natureâs grocery store. First, learn about the area you plan to forage in. This could be anywhere from a deep forest to the beach to the dumpster behind your apartments.
Ceejay Writer: That last one is called Urban Foraging. I wonât be talking about dumpster diving, but perhaps that could be the topic of a future Salon. But probably not.
Nika Thought-werk cocks her head.
Ceejay Writer: Oh, and if you disagree with anything I say, please feel free to pelt me with vegetables, in the classic manner. I’ll gladly gather them up. wink
Liz Wilner: lol
Vic Mornington: đ
ElaraGloriana: ;D thats one way to forage
Ceejay Writer: Whatever works!
Ceejay Writer: Foraging requires skills and knowledge. But letâs start with an easy forage for a nearly perfect food that might be in your back yard right now, and you donât need any special training or equipment to put this free food on your table. In fact, I refer to Purslane as the âGateway Weed For Beginning Foragers.â
Ceejay Writer points at the plant poster on the stage. “Purslane!”
Emerson Lighthouse perks up
Ceejay Writer: Not THAT kind of weed, Em.
Ceejay Writer: Purslane is a weed that grows all over the world. Youâve probably seen this succulent growing in a starburst shape from sidewalk cracks and untended areas and never gave it a thought.
Rowan Derryth chuckles
Nika Thought-werk smacks her lips.
Edda Underwood nods
Ceejay Writer: What you may not know is that purslane has more Omega-3 fatty acids (those are good for you) than most fish oils and all other green leafy plants. Itâs full of vitamins A, C, and some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese. Itâs also full of antioxidants. Itâs been called a super-food!
Liz Wilner: what does it taste like?
Rowan Derryth: What she asked
Ceejay Writer: A little peppery, and fresh.
Rowan Derryth: I knew it would be peppery!
Ceejay Writer: It’s a succlent, so there’s a crispness to it.
Liz Wilner: hmmmâŠmaybe I won’t throw that in the weeds bin now!
Ceejay Writer: LOTS of foraged plants are peppery – Mom Nature is funny that way.
Princess Selena: what sort of precautions need to be heeded regarding the chemicals people spray everywhere?
Wilhelm Steig: Not to mention the neighborhood canines.
Vic Mornington: đ
Ceejay Writer: Forage for purslane in areas that havenât been sprayed with pesticides, and away from roads and driveways. You can eat the entire plant, either raw or cooked. Just cut off the roots, and give it a rinse and itâs fine to eat. Chop it into salads or sautĂ© it for a side dish. Eat it as it is, raw and crunchy.
Ceejay Writer: Good timing on that question, Selena.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Is it as easy to cultivate?
Princess Selena: oops đ
Ceejay Writer: It can be cultivated, yes. If you want a larger variety of purslane, you can even purchase seeds for your garden.
Ceejay Writer: I did that one year, and was amazed, the stuff grew UP and out, made quite a big plant.
Ceejay Writer: I add handfuls of chopped purslane to tomato sauces, chili, and soups. Itâs free, itâs healthy, and now you donât have to complain that weeding is a thankless task. Touch the picture of purslane on the stand and youâll receive a foragerâs resource notecard, which includes links to a video and a couple of good purslane recipe sites.
Liz Wilner: oddâŠit seems to creep in my garden
Ceejay Writer: It’s quite invasive, Liz. It loves bare dirt.
Edda Underwood: it’s everywhere!
Liz Wilner: yes
Ceejay Writer: It doesn’t last long in MY back yard, though.
Ceejay Writer: If you decide that foraging is too much work and too complicated for you, donât worry. You can still focus on just purslane and reap a lot of benefits. And that in itself will be worth your coming to this salon!
Edda Underwood: does it grow indoors, under lights? I’m wondering if it might be a good winter green?
Princess Selena: đ
Ceejay Writer: Edda, I have never tried that! It might. The domesticated stuff from seeds might be your best bet.
Edda Underwood: thank you
Nika Thought-werk smiles and listens quietly.
Ceejay Writer: Though, if you look VERY closely at the wild purslane, sometime you will see a small pod. There’s black seeds in that.
Ceejay Writer: Now back to your research. Be sure to check the environment of any potential foraging area. It should be away from roads. Plants readily absorb pollutants like oil and car exhaust, and in some areas, salt scattered on the road in winter months isnât doing the roadside plants any favors, either. If you see something you really want to forage near a roadside, keep in mind that the same plant will most likely be growing 100 feet away from the road, too.
Ceejay Writer: If youâre able to safely forage that far from the road, youâll get healthier food. If youâre planning to forage plants that grow in water, be sure the water source isnât polluted, too.
Rowan Derryth: That’s what I worry about with city foraging – pollution etc.
Wilhelm Steig: But one may need to fistfight a raccoon.
Ceejay Writer: It can be a challenge, Rowan. But it can be done. There’s a resource on the card in the poster, a world map where people have marked good gleaning areas in city parks and public lands.
Ceejay Writer: Youâll also need to know if the area has any natural challenges, too. Is there poison ivy? Are there wasps about? If you see flying insects, there may be a nest and you donât want to accidentally rouse that. Been there, done that.
Fauve Aeon: here one must mostly watch for the poison ivy while out stomping about off the pavement đ
Ceejay Writer: Yes, I have that issue too! I even have poison ivy in my own back yard. It’s so hard to kill.
Ceejay Writer: Also, be sure you arenât disturbing a protected area or breaking any local laws.
Liz Wilner: I have poison oakâŠawful stuff
Ceejay Writer: Yikes. Be careful!
Ceejay Writer: Gather your equipment and clothing. Youâre going to be sticking your hands (and face) into wild growth you have no control over. Protect yourself. Select a âforaging outfitâ that includes gloves, a long sleeved shirt, long pants (sweatpants with gathered ankles are ideal for keeping the more intrusive aspects of nature out of your personal space), closed shoes, socks, and perhaps a hat and sunglasses if the terrain calls for them.
Ceejay Writer: Your equipment could include plastic shopping bags or wicker baskets, a small shovel, garden snippers, and a few Ziploc baggies for those mystery items you want to identify later.
Emerson Lighthouse: my foraging area is tick infested now, thanks to the deer and migrating geese
Emerson Lighthouse: so, gloves and thick socks
Emerson Lighthouse: and boots
Nika Thought-werk whispers “Oh, deer ⊠that sounds like a problem, it does.”
Ceejay Writer: Oh ick! I have a fear of ticks – a HUGE one landed directly on the palm of my hand last summer and tried to burrow in.
Liz Wilner: !!
Ceejay Writer: I freaked out. Utterly. And poured a ton of rubbing alcohol on my hand
Princess Selena: I would have soaked it for a few hours
Princess Selena: o.O
Nika Thought-werk eeps.
Liz Wilner: tweezers and a lighter or a matchâŠfor ticks
Ceejay Writer: It’s not common though here. I keep telling myself that.
Ceejay Writer: This one was big enough I could pull him off me with my fingers. But yes for smaller ones, I’ve heard of that method to get ticks out.
Ceejay Writer: Practice sustainable foraging habits. Ramps (wild leeks), for instance, can be cut off above the root ball, which allows them to grow back. Or, dig up just a few plants in a larger patch. You might be able to re-plant the roots in your own yard, for later harvesting, too.
Ceejay Writer: When it comes to garlic mustard, though, go for it. Forget sustainability, take all you want, pull it up by the roots. Itâs a very invasive species and even deer donât want to eat it. If you want to intentionally harvest other invasive plants (and seafood!) check out âEat The Invadersâ website. The link is included in my resource card
Ceejay Writer: Please donât let all these cautions and instructions put you off. Most of the research is fun and interesting. And if youâve spent some time researching the plants in your foraging area, you may find thereâs more there than first meets the eye. For example, you might think that a patch of stinging nettles should be avoided.
Ceejay Writer: But if youâre wearing protective clothing and gloves, go ahead and pick a pile of nettles to turn into pesto, or steam for a side dish of greens, or add to soup.
Ceejay Writer: You see, nettles âstingâ because of the sharp needle-like filaments covering the leaves. These can scratch you and allow a chemical to get into your skin. But throw them in boiling water for two minutes and those filaments and chemicals are rendered harmless.
Emerson Lighthouse: take that, nettles
Ceejay Writer: Research, research, research. Itâs the only way to know if your local plants are friends or foe. Thereâs also âlookalikeâ plants to watch out for. A good forager is a curious forager! If you see something growing you canât identify, take pictures of both the plant and its surrounding area for later identification.
Ceejay Writer: Make use of the PlantSnap phone app, or show your photos to friends, family and especially neighbors that have lived in the area a long time. They may have already done the research about your mystery plant.
Edda Underwood nods
Ceejay Writer: And now your neighbors will know you are interested in foraging, and may have other knowledge and advice to share with you. Iâve formed lasting friendships with others on my road, by showing my interest and curiosity about our area. Some of us have even gone foraging together for garlic mustard, wild strawberries, catnip, blackberries and raspberries.
Ceejay Writer: And Michigan has GOOD berries! Also serviceberries (Juneberries)
Ceejay Writer: If you have a local college or university that offers extension courses, you may be able to gain knowledge through adult education classes, or by browsing their website for resources.
Ceejay Writer: Iâm lucky enough to be able to use Michigan State Universityâs extension website. Thereâs even an âAsk An Expertâ online form to help with information on local mid-Michigan plants. I can even upload my photos on the form as I ask my questions.
Liz Wilner: nice!
Fauve Aeon: we have a local mycology guild đ I have ben thinking of hooking up with them for a mushroom dinner and then going on their outings.
Ceejay Writer: MSU is our first Land Grant college in the US, and gets a bit proud of their agricultural heritage.
Ceejay Writer: Oh, Fauve, DO IT! No one should go solo to learn about mushrooms!
Ceejay Writer: In fact that’s my next point!
Ceejay Writer: Regarding mushrooms. I know itâs a lovely daydream to imagine yourself skipping through a forest, sunbeams flickering down to illuminate a bounty of happy-capped mushrooms just waiting to fill your basket.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
Fauve Aeon smilesâŠ
Ceejay Writer: But the truth is that mushroom identification is a whole field of study in itself, and shouldnât be taken lightly. Join a mushroom identification group (thereâs a few in Facebook) and make very good friends with local authorities.
Fauve Aeon: I know 2 kinds well enough to gather so far, but I would like to learn more
Ceejay Writer: Good for you!
Wilhelm Steig: But only the RIGHT authorites, depending on the mushroom.
Ceejay Writer: Having said that though, I feel comfortable encouraging you to hunt for morel mushrooms. They are easy to identify, Iâve heard they are delicious (I personally donât like mushrooms), and they are VERY expensive in the grocery stores. So do your research and if they are in your area, have funâthe morel, the merrier, I say. Iâll pause here so you can throw those vegetables at me for saying that.
Ceejay Writer: Yes, choose your experts carefully!
Rowan Derryth: Morels are exquisite
Ceejay Writer: Everyone tells me that – and I SEE the prices of them in the grocery stores around here. Yikes.
Ceejay Writer: One plant I personally love foraging for is catnip. It grows in many places around the world, too, so please do learn if you can forage some locally. Catnip loves to play hide and go seek. It grows in the shadows at the edge of woods, along hedges, under trees.
Ceejay Writer: Iâve found catnip stalks nearly four feet long with stems as big around as my index finger, much to the delight of my cat. If you are able to forage catnip, be sure to cut the stalks rather than pull them up so the roots stay intact. Practice sustainable foraging: leave some stalks to flower and go to seed for next year.
Ceejay Writer: To preserve your catnip haul (or any mint), pull the leaves off your stalks and dry them, either in wicker baskets (shake often) or laid out on flat screens.
Ceejay Writer: The stripped stalks can be given to your cat to play with. Not only will your cat love you for bringing home the ânip, you can also use the leaves to brew a tea for yourself thatâs great for easing headaches and other minor aches and pains.
Ceejay Writer: I braided a pile of fresh stalks into a wreath last year for my cat. Chives was rather gobsmacked by it.
Princess Selena giggles
Liz Wilner: a cat named ChivesâŠlove that!
Nika Thought-werk thinks catnip and cattails are two very nice plants indeed.
Ceejay Writer: He was abandoned and found his way to my herb garden. We found him sitting in the chives plants.
Wilhelm Steig: I bet you’ve never heard a cat go “WAHOOO!” before.
Liz Wilner smiles
OldeSoul Eldemar: Chives is quite famous
Ceejay Writer: Cattails are edible, too! I haven’t tried them yet but I hear them mentioned a lot.
Ceejay Writer: Wilhelm, his eyes got SO BIG
Nika Thought-werk smacks her lips and nods.
Rowan Derryth: Chives has a great FB page, ahem. He is a very clever cat.
Ceejay Writer: Once you return home from your foraging expedition, itâs a good idea to give your found food a rinse in a vinegar and water bath, just to be sure itâs clean. I mean, I canât guarantee that a roving dog didnât relieve himself out there, can I? That probably didnât happen, but hey. Better be sure.
Fauve Aeon: ewwww
OldeSoul Eldemar: We had cattails in Michigan – on Lake St. Mary’s
Rowan Derryth: All kinds of roving things could have. Humans too.
Rowan Derryth: Just sayin
Ceejay Writer: They are prolific in Michigan – I had a low spot/lake in the front yard at a former house, and a million catttails grew there. I wish I’d known then to forage them
Ceejay Writer: True enough, Rowan.
Princess Selena: I have friends who hunt up wild asparagus
Ceejay Writer: And that’s all my prepared words – I’ll set out a little gift for you in a moment. Please keep sharing your anecdotes or ask questions.
After Salon Questions and Anecdotes
Fauve Aeon: I really like wild asparagus đ
Rowan Derryth: Ooh what about wild garlic? That’s a big deal here in Europe
Ceejay Writer: Wild asparagus is such a fun find. I keep hunting for it, but have only found it twice
Rowan Derryth: I never had it before and it is amazing, but you have to be careful not to confuse it with Lily of the Valley :-/
Ceejay Writer: Wild garlic is a fun find!
Princess Selena: A delightful presentation, thank you so much!
ElaraGloriana: for those less adventurous and more than wary, there are great mushroom kits and ‘starters’ of soil w spores for growing fresh at home without the worry ;D
Ceejay Writer: It’s called ramps here, and yes the leaves are similar to lily of the valley
Fauve Aeon: I want to try that with shitake, I did save a log when we had tre work done đ
Rowan Derryth: It’s easy to know the difference by smell though. Because garlic. But it is amazing!
Ceejay Writer: ElaraGloriana, that could be fun!
Rowan Derryth: Makes incredible pesto
Ceejay Writer: Garlic mustard is the same way – the smell gives it away, and it too makes good pesto.
Rowan Derryth: mmm
Rowan Derryth: Ceejay have you ever eaten daffodils?
Ceejay Writer: I get LOTS of that stuff, since it’s an invasive annoyance, I just eat lots of it.
Ceejay Writer: No! I have eaten other flowers, but not daffodils. Any cautions to use on them?
Princess Selena: wilehlm just found a resource for our area that lists out the foraging areas – I am sure he will be out there picking things
Ceejay Writer: (I’ve set out a small book, which you can rez or better yet, wear on a HUD point, with a few of my articles to help you get started with recipes and a few easy forage items.)
Fauve Aeon: thank you for the book Ceejay
Cheryl: cammomile grows wild where i amâŠnice fresh tea
Ceejay Writer: Cheryl, I make chamomile wine! It’s lovely!
Ceejay Writer: You are welcome! The book is a new system, designed by⊠NIKA!
Wilhelm Steig: From the website fallingfruit.org: “Mulberry tree along side of roadway overhanging private property but accessible from public land.”
Edda Underwood applauds
Fauve Aeon: ok cool, I look forward to seeing the book workings as well then đ
Rowan Derryth: Well – I was wondering because I have them in a window box, but I also threw some dying parsley in there and it blossomed – then I worried about eating the parsley if the daffodils were poisonous – google sez they are edible and nice in a salad
Fauve Aeon: APPLAUSE
Liz Wilner: thank you so much, CeejayâŠthis was very interesting!
Nika Thought-werk perks up and looks around “Books to eat?”
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach applauds
Dargason L’Ardente applauds
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen appplauds
Nika Thought-werk claps happily.
Princess Selena claps “very nice!!”
Ceejay Writer: Hmm. I think we both need to do some daffodil research.
Ceejay Writer: I’m saving this chat and will make a point to do that!
Rowan Derryth: oops, excited shouting
Philip Underwood: very nice CeeJay
Ceejay Writer: No more purslane for YOU Rowan.
Rowan Derryth claps wildly
Edda Underwood giggles
heryl: once ate a daffodil and had no reaction
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach: Any other tips for our Speaker?
Philip Underwood: Yeah, Baron. CeeJay? Don’t wear white after labor day
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach sighs
Emerson Lighthouse: Thanks, Ceejay, I need to run off and forage.
Wilhelm Steig: Thank you Fraulein Warmly!
Emerson Lighthouse waves
Ceejay Writer: Nasturtiums are delicious, I’ll say that much.
Fauve Aeon giggles
Philip Underwood: And buy IBM stock
Fauve Aeon: so are snapdragons
Ceejay Writer: Happy hunting, Emerson!
Emerson Lighthouse: Happy Rez Day
Fauve Aeon: I love flowers in salads but confess to being lazy and buying them
Rowan Derryth: I feel safer doing that
Ceejay Writer: You’re supporting farmers, so I applaud that.
Nika Thought-werk offers the Baron some peanuts to go with the gallery.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach nods appreciatively
Rowan Derryth: We actually have a great local veg delivery shop place and they do foraging classes
Ceejay Writer: Don’t forget to grab the notecard in the purslane pic!
Rowan Derryth: Thanks Ceejay! You don’t look a day over 11!
Ceejay Writer eats her leek-pointer
Nika Thought-werk raises her hand.
Fauve Aeon: thanks so much Ceejany a lovely salon. It’s nice to be able to pass a time and lean something.
Ceejay Writer: Aw, you’re too kind.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach chuckles
OldeSoul Eldemar: Wonderful Lady Writer ! Your Cousin was watching – and I will share with Cassie !
Ceejay Writer: I’m happy if you take away a bit of useful stuff, everyone.
Ceejay Writer: Say hi to Cassie for me!
Fauve Aeon grabs notes gris and flies away
Nika Thought-werk: One thing about the books ⊠if any have not used them before ⊠touching near the top brings up a menu.
Princess Selena: Good afternoon to you all!
OldeSoul Eldemar: will do ! and to Rasulka too
OldeSoul Eldemar: Take care everyone !
Ceejay Writer: Take care all, and I would love to hear from you about any foraging successes!
Nika Thought-werk waves.
Vic Mornington: đ đ yay Ceeeeeeeeeeeeejay!
ElaraGloriana: thank you
WulfriĂ°e Blitzen: Take care everyone, thank you all for coming đ
Wildstar Beaumont: thank you Ceejay (and Nika)
Wilhelm Steig: Thank you for the info! I’ll start nibbling at the lawn now.
Vic Mornington: ok, back to the brunel hall rebuild ..
Ceejay Writer: Happy munching, NOT near your driveway!
Edda Underwood smiles
Liz Wilner: thank you again, Ceejay! and Happy Rez Day!!
Nika Thought-werk: Miss Writer, take care of Clem, please? And enjoy your day.
Ceejay Writer: Clem is safe with me.
Wilhelm Steig: Salty AND peppery!
Nika Thought-werk smiles and waves.
Ceejay Writer waves at everyone
Wildstar Beaumont: good night everyone!
Contents of the Resource Card I provided to Salon Attendees
The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Samuel Thayer
(This guide applies to North America)
Foraging: Over 30 Tasty Recipes to Turn Your Foraged Finds into Feasts by Mark Vorderbruggen
Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places by Steve Brill and Evelyn Dean
Edible Wild Plants: Eastern/Central North America (Peterson Field Guides) by Lee Allen Peterson
Disclaimer: This is a prepper video and ends with a prayer, but I chose it because itâs a very good conversation about and examination of purslane, and how to avoid its lookalike. Thereâs other videos on purslane, but 99% of them are awful.
7 delicious common weeds you probably never knew you could eat!
45 Things To Do With Purslane
Eat The Invaders
MSU Extensionâs âAsk An Expertâ form
(For use in Mid-Michigan only)
MSU Extension Site
Falling Fruit World Map
Falling Fruit is a massive, collaborative map of the urban harvest. By uniting the efforts of foragers, freegans, and foresters everywhere, the map already points to over a half million food sources around the world (from plants and fungi to water wells and dumpsters).
15 Trees Every Outdoor Lover Should Learn to Identify
Identifying traits and uses for common North American trees
76 Types of Trees Identification â Names, Facts, Photos
âA plant expert at your fingertipsâ
Identify plants, flowers, cacti, succulents and mushrooms in seconds with the click of a button on your mobile device.